Sunday, October 26, 2008

the armies of light and dark...

the armies ranked...
of blood they stank...
of black and white...
of wrong and right...
have lined my brain...
to drive me insane...
of day and night...
tomorrow i write...
and sleep tonight...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

a door closes, a window opens...

'Can u hear me now?' A question my mind was asking passerbys all too frequently back in 2005 when the schizophrenia was reaching its climax and the window of cross chatter between both hemispheres of my brain had opened and let some fresh air in... or what is out... the clouds of time fog my memory. Its not important i guess, otherwise i would surely remember it.

In, Out, Up, Down. What difference does it make. Apparently, none. Way back then, it made all the difference. These were the four directions the signs would be pointing in... or out...

What I learnt from the experience of losing my mind twice?

Firstly, I wasnt losing my mind, I was gaining it.

Secondly, every random thing I uttered has some relevance in my present day to day life...

Thirdly, hardly anyone can or will or moreover admit to having understood what I am talking about.

Fourthly, when the 'game' becomes active beyond a certain point, it brings with it assholes who unnecessarily interfere with my life and want to induce into my life their own fucking point of view; much like the fucking doctors trying to inject me with shit that they believe will save me from my imagination.

Fifthly, while the matrix is busy throwing assholes your way, it also sends a series of beautiful people your way. The important part you have to play is to focus on the light, and not the darkness.

Sixthly, angels and demons manifest in human form everyday, often in the guise of the same person. It could just be the two spheres of each individual that you come across, reflecting the battle of light vs. darkness going on in the universe since God first said 'Be' and 'it was'.

Seventhly, smoking dope brings light, but brings more darkness.

Eighthly, whatever happens, does so, for the best. No arguments.

Lastly, This Universe, has before, continues to, and will, once again, release itself unto me. The signs i see all around me tell me so. The dreams I have, prophecise so. The dormant schizophrenia in my brain, believes so. But I have learnt, through two episodes of being driven to the psychiatric ward, that I must enjoy all this silently, and use it more as a means of artistic expression and less as a means of self proclamation.

I believe that there is no such thing as madness. What you refer to as madness is just your own inability to understand someone elses imagination. Imagination lives. And yes, I have seen evidence of you reacting to the voices in my head. Until we meet again in some playground in the fourth dimension, I continue to paint. I dont know whether my reality will ever become one with yours. Whether all of mankind will one day see and believe in the same light, reject the same darkness, and play with same colors of my minds paints that I do.

Only time can answer some questions.